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01 detsember, 2011

PEGASE projekt

01 detsember, 2011
PEGASE projekti eesmärk on tugevdada UEAPME (EVEA katusorganisatsiooni) liikmete, 11 käsitööndus- ja VKE-de organisatsiooni suutlikkust seitsmes “uues” liikmesriigis ja kahes kandidaatriigis, toetades nende aktiivset osalemist Euroopa sotsiaalses dialoogis. Peamised saavutused peaksid olema:
  1. rahvuslike organisatsioonide selgem arusaam menetlustest ja otsustamisprotsessist EL-i sotsiaaldialoogis
  2. sobiv teave väike- ja mikroettevõtetele
  3. suurem võime sõnastada ja kaitsta väike- ja mikroettevõtete huvisid EL-i sotsiaaldialoogis.
Projekti viib läbi UEAPME Academy Avignon’i toel. Projekt algas 28. novembril 2011 ja kestab 13 kuud 2012. a detsembri lõpuni. PEGASE Uudised nr 5 PEGASE Uudised nr 4 PEGASE Uudised nr 3 PEGASE Uudised nr 2 PEGASE Uudised nr 1 Best Agers USING THE KNOWLEDGE AND EXPERIENCE OF PROFESSIONALS IN THEIR PRIMES TO FOSTER BUSINESS AND SKILLS DEVELOPMENT IN THE BALTIC SEA REGION With demographic change – recently defined as one of the four key challenges for European regions by the EC – and the current economic crisis looming, the cities and regions of the BSR have to find creative ways of disclosing and utilizing unused opportunities. One of these hidden potentials are people in the prime of their lives – the so called “Best Agers” (defined in the project as people aged 55 and older). As previous projects have shown, the population of the Baltic Sea Region will rapidly become older and the 55+ age groups will experience large growth rates in the near future. The result will be a pool of older professionals who are healthier than ever, well-educated and motivated and who can be mobilised to counteract the negative effects of demographic change –shrinking regional workforces and the socalled “brain drain”. The project will survey successful approaches and goodpractice examples, develop them further and transfer them to the partner regions with low-key Best Ager involvement. Together, the 19 partners (representing all sectors) will form across-generational innovation environment, where Best Agers work together with different age groups in the fields of business and skills development to generate new ideas and share their expertise and experience. Building upon a transsectoral partner structure, capitalizing on the results of earlier projects and existing networks (such as senior expert services and business angels), the partners will analyse the present preconditions and structures regarding Best Agers’ involvement in regional labour markets as well as in innovation and entrepreneurship activities in the BSR. The project will show how Best Agers can make their contribution in these fields by * remaining in employment instead of retiring early * committing their time and energy to voluntary work for the benefit of SME, young entrepreneurs, students and pupils or * improving their skills and realising their own business ideas. The project will survey successful approaches and good-practice examples, develop them further and transfer them to the partner regions with low-key Best Ager involvement. In all four thematic work packages, partners will form small groups and jointly develop, implement and evaluate 13 innovative pilot initiatives. Reinforced by an ambitious communication and dissemination strategy (which features a documentary film, a webbased matching service portal and a “Best Agers Projects Fair”, these pilot initiatives will help to raise awareness of the manifold capabilities and potentials of the members of the generation 55+ and change the widespread perception that older people are a burden to society. Putting the Best Agers’ knowledge and experience to use will keep them in the centre of society even after retirement and turn them into a valuable resource for the economy and society throughout the BSR. Partnership Academy of Economics Schleswig-Holstein, DE (Lead Partner) County of Pinneberg, DE University of Rostock, Rostock Center for the Study of Demographic Change, DE Research Association Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, DE The Paritätische Welfare Organisation in Schleswig-Holstein, DE Institute for European Initiatives, PL Gdansk University of Technology, PL Western Pomeranian Business School, PL Šiauliai Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Crafts, LT Šiauliai Branch of the National Regional Development Agency, LT KTU Regional Science Park, LT CONNECT Latvia, LV Stockholm School of Economics in Riga, LV County Council of Norrbotten, SE University of Gothenburg, SE Green Network, DK University College Lillebaelt, DK Norwich Business School at the University of East Anglia,UK Estonian Association of SMEs EVEA, EE Newsletters: Best Agers Newsletter 1 2010.pdf Best Agers Newsletter 2 2010.pdf Best Agers Newsletter 3 2011.pdf Best Agers Newsletter 4 2011.pdf Best Agers Newsletter 5 2012.pdf Best Agers Newsletter 6 2012.pdf INTERREG IVB Project BSR QUICK Qualification, Innovation, Cooperation and Keybusiness for Small and Medium Enterprises in the Baltic Sea Region Running from 17th of December 2009 – 16th of December 2012. The project has 40 partners from 11 countries around the Baltic Sea Region. SMEs represent 99% of all enterprises in the BSR and provide up to 70% of all jobs being important economic but also socio-cultural factor for sustainable development of the region. SMEs present the biggest potential for the employment and job creation in the BSR also in future. QUICK aims at unleashing this potential to its full extent by addressing the following challenges undermining the competitiveness of the BSR SMEs: – limited benefit from innovation processes and R&D solutions – low qualification of entrepreneurs and employees, and the labour force in general – limited internationalisation of SMEs and difficulties in accessing new markets – lack of strategic support for SME development in the framework of regional and national policies. QUICK offers structured and coordinated approach to increase the innovation potential of BSR SMEs. The BSR level cooperation between the SME promoters and universities is established and enhanced. Cluster based cooperation is used to facilitate development and implementation of R&D solutions in SMEs, as well as upgrade the existing vocational and academic training programmes. Cooperation of SME promoters, universities, decision makers and public administrations is used to develop comprehensive SME support strategies and put them into action on local, regional, national, BSR and EU level. The particular outcomes of the project will be: – establishment of the permanent network of the BSR universities dealing with innovation and R&D, the Baltic Sea Academy – continuous cooperation between the network of the SME promoters (chambers and associations) of the BSR, the university network and the decision makers and public administrations in the field of innovation support in SMEs: joint identification of innovation clusters, mapping of competence centres in the BSR, development of cluster strategies – qualification upgrade of entrepreneurs, SME employees and potential employees by developing and implementing 5 new and upgrading 5 existing advanced training courses, and new dual bachelor study programmes in the different BSR locations – establishing structured cooperation between the SMEs and the universities as R&D service providers to promote development and implementation of new product/service, technology, process and organisation related solutions in the SMEs – improvement of services provided by the SME promoters by establishing web based networking platforms, ICT tools, developing methodological and practical guides – improvement of the overall SME related policy framework by developing and implementing BSR wide strategies in four policy areas: economy, education, regional development and spatial planning and innovation promotion. Project will reach as many as 400.000 SMEs and release further R&D based investments by the SMEs. Estimated value of those is at least 20 MEUR. Energy efficiency and climate protection.pdf Innovation Newsletter: en_InnovationNewsletter_April_2011.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_May_2011.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_July_2011.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_Aug_2011.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_Sep_2011.pdf en_Newsletter_november 2011 en_InnovationNewsletter_Oktober_2011.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_Jan_2012.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_April_2012.pdf eng_Newsletter_June_2012.pdf en_InnovationNewsletter_July_2012.pdf EN_Newsletter_September_2012.pdf EN Newsletter December 2012 .pdf